Professional Athletes Can Get Workers’ Compensation Benefits Just Like Any Other Worker
Did you know that professional athletes, like any other worker, are eligible for workers’ compensation benefits? It’s a fact that often goes unnoticed. Many people are unaware of how short and injury-filled most pro players’ careers are. As someone who has represented pro athletes in the past, I’ve witnessed the unpredictable journey to the big leagues and the unfortunate reality that most players never secure the sought-after big contracts that dominate offseason headlines.
Furthermore, with the growing understanding of concussions and their long-term effects on football players and other professional athletes, we’re witnessing a concerning trend. Numerous former players are struggling to access the medical treatment and benefits they require. It’s essential to recognize that there are many athletes who play for minimum contracts during a brief period and end up facing career-ending injuries.
For professional athletes in D.C. engaged in baseball, hockey, basketball, or football, their career, financial stability, and long-term health are at stake. At Donahoe Kearney, we specialize in representing individuals with serious sports injuries. We work tirelessly with athletes and their agents to ensure maximum recovery and rightful workers’ compensation benefits.
Do You Have Multiple Jobs or Have You Been Promoted to a Professional League This Year? Contact Us Today!
It’s no secret that professional athletes often experience shifts in employment throughout their careers. If you’ve held more than one job in the six months preceding your sports injury in DC, it’s crucial to have a knowledgeable sports injury lawyer from Donahoe Kearney by your side. Our team understands how to maximize your benefits while you’re unable to play and focusing on recovery. We ensure you receive the coverage you deserve during this challenging time. Reach out to our experienced sports injury lawyer, Frank Kearney, today at 202-393-3320.