Not At Fault But Still Getting Medical Bills?
Going to the Emergency Room if You’re Hurt After an Accident is a Must
Often, injuries become worse later, and even if you’re hurt and shaken up, you may not feel ‘that bad’ right after the accident or when you’re still at the scene of the accident, but the next day you may wake up in serious pain. So, it is important to go to the emergency room and to do so soon after the accident. Get a family member, or someone on the scene if you have to, but make sure you go. After a serious crash, the injuries can be more severe than you know. So it’s important to get a health care provider to check you out.
And if you don’t go to the emergency room right away, you run the risk of appearing to not have been injured at all because of the accident. And, this may make your injury harder to prove later on, which may affect how much compensation you receive. It’s very important to take the time to at least check at a local healthcare provider after an accident to see if there are any broken bones or internal injuries. Contact an car accident attorney for more information after a crash.
Don’t Take the Chance, Take Care of Yourself and Get Help!
If you have to go to the ER because of someone’s negligence, then they should be responsible for your emergency room treatment. Let’s say the accident was caused by the other person, and they were engaging in distracted driving, like:
- Texting while driving, or otherwise being on the phone while driving
- Driving under the influence of drugs
- Not obeying rules of the road or traffic signs
Not only is the other driver responsible for the emergency room visit, but they also are responsible for the rest of your treatment as well. This includes hospital charges, charges from specialists who treated you, and any tests, like x-rays, MRIs, and CT scans that are now necessary only because you were in an accident where it was someone else’s fault.
However, They Don’t Pay Until Your Treatment is Complete.
Payment for your medical treatment eventually comes out of the settlement, which means that you will need to pay for your treatment out of pocket and get reimbursed when your treatment is complete. This is why it is crucial to keep track of all of your medical records, payments, and explanations of benefits while you are in treatment.
If you have been in an accident that was caused by another driver in the DC metro area, contact us today at 202-393-3320 or schedule a free and confidential appointment by clicking here. Studies have shown that when you have an experienced attorney working on your side, you’re more likely to get a favorable settlement. Let us help you get what you rightfully deserve.