Do I Have to Talk to My Workers’ Comp Nurse Case Manager?

After a work injury in Washington, D.C., you are not required to speak to the nurse case manager assigned to your claim by the insurance company.
Don’t let the insurance company bully you into speaking to a nurse case manager. Assigning a nurse case manager to your case is one way insurance companies try to limit your benefits and deny payment for your medical treatment.
It’s common for a nurse case manager to steer an injured worker to specific doctors or healthcare providers. Therefore, be careful about this. Workers’ compensation insurance companies, like Travelers, prefer you to see an insurance doctor.
Insurance doctors conduct medical exams on injured workers and receive payment from the insurance company. Thus, consider whose side they’re on.
Nurse case managers may seem friendly and helpful, coordinating your doctor appointments and treatment. They might even attend appointments with you and talk to the doctor for you. Sounds good, right?
WRONG. Remember, the nurse case manager works for the insurance company. Consequently, her loyalty is to her employer, not you.
When a nurse case manager tries to attend your medical appointments or talk to your doctor without you, say no. They don’t need to do either. Instead, they want to talk to your doctor alone to bully them into limiting your treatment or sending you back to work before you’re ready.
Some nurse case managers may say you must let them do this, but that’s not true. If you haven’t been through the workers’ compensation process before, you won’t know if the nurse case manager and adjuster are telling the truth.
You Need an Experienced D.C. Workers’ Compensation Lawyer to Help You
Workers’ compensation insurance companies have teams of specialists who work to deny your benefits and limit your treatment. They have doctors, lawyers, nurse case managers, adjusters, and investigators who handle hundreds of claims.
However, for our clients, we handle everything, so they never have to talk to a nurse case manager or insurance adjuster. Instead, we don’t allow them to contact our clients or their doctors.
We make it easy for you. Therefore, focus on your recovery and getting back on your feet after a serious work injury. We help alleviate the constant stress of the workers’ compensation process. Call us today at 202-393-3320 or schedule your free, same day consultation here: Schedule Now.