Do I Have To Use The Lawyer My DC Union Uses?

My Union Already Has A Lawyer. Do I Have To Use Them?
We love unions. We represent a lot of people who belong to unions. We are big fans of the industry and we consider our mission similar to that of the union itself. Namely, we are all protecting workers and their families. So why would we tell you not to use your Union Lawyer?
First of all, if your Union Lawyer is good, use them! We always want workers to be represented by the best people. But what happens if your union hires a mill firm? These attorneys might be kept on retainer to handle all types of things; from employment, matter to contract negotiations to workers’ compensation. And many of those big “mill” firms might do one or two of those things well, but it doesn’t mean that they are going to be good at workers’ compensation. In fact, we hear over and over about how attorneys treat people “like a number.” We hear complaints that attorneys don’t return phone calls and don’t update their clients.
Do You Have To Use Your Union Lawyer?
The answer is no, not necessarily. Are your union dues going toward those retainers for those attorneys? Probably. Are they the best attorney for your case? We hope so, but if they are not you shouldn’t feel bad about giving us a call. Are afraid of making your union rep angry? Trust us, we don’t want to make your union rep angry either. In fact, we get a fair amount of referrals from unions themselves! We have great relationships with unions in the DMV. Sometimes Attorney Frank Kearney even goes out and speaks and has union member meetings to get great information into the hands of great people. You can also read our guide workers’ compensation for the union here.
Call Us Today And Refer To Our Free Books And Guides For Additional Help
Most firms simply don’t provide the same experience that we do. We have free books, guides, and reports that will help you to connect with who we are and get some great information about the process. You’ll discover that most attorneys don’t measure up to the experience you are going to get with us. Why? Just give us a call – you’ll discover the truth from the first time you call our offices at 202-393-3320.