Knee Replacement Secured in Workers’ Comp Settlement

Workers’ Compensation Settlement Includes Cost of a Future Knee Replacement
When a private school teacher in Washington, D.C. slipped and fell at work, she landed directly on her knee. As the day went on, the pain became unbearable, and she couldn’t really put any weight on it.
As any teacher knows, kids are active, and you have to keep up with your students. You may sometimes even have to get between them to break up fights (which is also covered by workers’ comp). There is no denying it can be a physically demanding job at times.
After going to Urgent Care and getting some therapy that wasn’t helping, she reached out to us to help guide her through the workers’ compensation process.
We went to work getting authorization for her to see an orthopedic knee specialist. After reviewing the X-rays and MRI and seeing her a few times, the doctor said she would need a total knee replacement to fix what was wrong with the knee.
But she had a separate, underlying medical condition that would make knee replacement surgery difficult at this time. We made sure the workers comp insurance company paid for the treatment for that separate condition so she could get the surgery she needed.
Even after this treatment, she could not have the surgery right away.
So we helped her make the cost of that future surgery part of an overall settlement of her workers compensation case that provided money for all of the medical treatment she may need in the future—and lets her be in control of when she has the surgery.
We use workers’ compensation settlements to give people control over their lives and medical treatment.
If you’ve been injured, don’t delay. Call Donahoe Kearney at 202-393-3320 right away so that we can get you the help you need, quickly. You can set up your free and confidential phone call by clicking here.
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