Can I Switch Jobs While On Workers’ Comp?

Yes, you can switch jobs while on workers’ comp, but there are important considerations to keep in mind, especially if you’ve experienced a significant work injury in Washington, D.C. As an at-will employee, your employer has the right to replace you during your recovery period. However, if you find an alternative job that aligns with your work restrictions and comes with a reduced income, you can still maintain your workers’ compensation claim. It’s crucial to seek the guidance of an experienced workers’ compensation lawyer in D.C. to navigate these complexities.
It is strongly advised against returning to work before receiving clearance from your doctor if you are on workers’ compensation.
Taking this step may risk re-injury and extend your recovery, which could complicate your workers’ compensation case. That’s why waiting for your doctor’s clearance is crucial. It protects your benefits and ensures a smooth return to work.
Whether you have full restrictions or light duty, you are entitled to Temporary Disability Benefits (TTD) and medical treatment. This applies even if you have serious injuries that require surgery and longer recovery times. In these situations, a skilled workers’ compensation lawyer is essential. An experienced attorney can help you navigate your case and secure the benefits and medical care you need.
If you face work restrictions after an injury in Washington, D.C., connect with a knowledgeable workers’ compensation team. Their expertise is vital for protecting your income and ensuring access to necessary medical treatment. The complexities of workers’ comp cases require professionals who understand D.C. laws and regulations.
Connect with Our Experienced D.C. Workers Compensation Team If You Are Subject to Work Restrictions After a Work Injury
For individuals facing work restrictions and requiring support to secure their benefits while unable to work, our dedicated team is here to assist you. Feel free to reach out to us today at 202-393-3320 or schedule a free consultation to start the process. Our experienced team is committed to offering timely and helpful assistance customized to your specific needs. We will guide you through the workers’ compensation process with care and expertise.