How Long Can I Receive Long Term Disability Benefits?

Your Length Of Benefits Depends On Your Long Term Disability Policy
The length of time you can receive benefits will depend on your policy. Most long-term disability policies written by the major insurance companies in D.C. area, such as Unum; Guardian; Hartford; and Lincoln have a sliding scale for the length of time benefits will continue.
Most policies allow you to continue receiving disability benefits until you turn 65, as long as you remain disabled according to the policy. Your disability insurance requires you to prove that you are continuously disabled.Your disability insurance will make you prove that you are continuously disabled.
Usually, long term disability insurance policies will include a provision that if you become disabled after age 60, the benefits will continue for several years beyond age 65, depending on your age. For example, if your disability due to arthritis and chronic pain means you cannot work at age 63, you may be able to receive benefits until age 67.
Most of the time under ERISA policies (ERISA is the federal law that governs many long term disability insurance policies, procedures, and litigation) benefits will be paid at 60% or two thirds of your income at the time you became disabled.
One important note – if you’re not able to work because of depression or other mental illness, most insurance policies limit benefits to 24 months.
The most critical aspect of evaluating your disability claim analyzing your insurance policy and becoming familiar with the terms and definitions of what you need to prove to be considered disabled and entitled to benefits. A crucial part of a successful long term disability claim also requires you to continually work with your doctor to make sure they have a basis for specific restrictions and limitations based on your injury or medical condition.
Our Experienced Long Term Disability Attorneys Can Help
If you don’t understand your long term disability insurance policy or don’t review your medical records and just send them to the insurance company, you may set yourself up for a denial of your claim – that’s what your long-term disability insurance company is hoping for. Our experienced long term disability lawyers can guide you through the process so you can get your case off on the right track and avoid having your claim denied.
If you want more information on how to prepare for your ERISA long term disability claim, or want to talk it through, call us at 202-393-3320. You can also schedule a time to talk by clicking here.