How Much Will Workers’ Comp Pay In Washington D.C.?

The Worker’s Compensation Systems Vary From State to State
First of all, it’s important to remember that the benefits in DC Virginia, and Maryland are quite different. So are the worker’s comp systems. Each state has its own laws so it’s important to determine whether you have a choice of where to file your worker’s compensation claim because it could matter quite a bit to you and your family.
In D.C., worker’s compensation benefits are paid at 2/3 of your average weekly wage.
There are a couple of things that make DC a more favorable jurisdiction to file a worker’s compensation claim, especially if you are a high-wage earner.
Calculating The Benefits You’re Entitled To On D.C. Worker’s Compensation
Unlike some states, D.C. law allows you to combine income from all of the jobs you held at the time you got hurt and will calculate your average weekly wage based on all of the jobs, not just the job you were hurt on.
There is a cap on the number of benefits, or a maximum compensation rate in DC, Virginia, and Maryland. But the cap on benefits is significantly higher in DC so if you are earning $2000 per week or more (including overtime, bonuses, and any other jobs you have), your benefits in DC could be $500 or more per week than in Maryland or Virginia.
Speak To An Experienced Worker’s Compensation Attorney Who Can Analyze Your Specific Claim
We are happy to help and easy to talk to. All we do is help people stand up to insurance companies after a serious injury or medical condition. Plus, we actually wrote the book on Worker’s Compensation in DC – we’ll even send you a free copy.
We make it easy for you. Just call us today at 202-393-3320 to get started. I will have you answer seven or eight important questions and give you a plan for how to handle your worker’s compensation case.
But don’t wait. The insurance company is counting on you to make a mistake that will cost you and your family money. Don’t let that happen, call us today.