My Daughter Has Brachial Plexus Injury (Erb’s Palsy)

Brachial Plexus Injuries Are Sometimes A Result of Medical Malpractice
What is a brachial plexus injury and how can a D.C., Virginia, or Maryland medical malpractice attorney tell if a child with a brachial plexus injury has a D.C. or Maryland medical malpractice case for damages because of the brachial plexus injury?
A brachial plexus injury, sometimes also called Erb’s palsy, is an injury to a collection of nerves that run from the spine, through the arm down to the hand. Some of the symptoms of a brachial plexus injury can be paralysis of the arm, numbness in the arm or hand, loss of muscle functioning or control of the arm or hand (like not being able to grasp or pick things up), pain, and other problems with the shoulder arm and hand, like not being able to move it over a certain height
In Some Cases, Brachial Plexus Starts In The Hospital
Sometimes brachial plexus injury happens at birth and is caused by the delivery doctor putting too much pressure on the baby’s neck during delivery causing the shoulder to be stretched.
And there are different classifications of brachial plexus injuries, from avulsion (the most serious), caused when the nerve root is severed from the spinal cord to neuropraxia when the protective covering of the nerve is stretched (this is usually the least serious form of injury).
How can we, as D.C., Virginia, and Maryland medical malpractice attorneys, determine whether a child’s brachial plexus injury was the result of medical malpractice? We’d review the labor and delivery, NICU, and pediatric records of the child and have the records reviewed by medical experts practicing in these specialties to determine whether the child’s brachial plexus injury could have been avoided.
Are you wondering if your child’s brachial plexus (Erb’s Palsy) could have been prevented? Give us a call today and you’ll speak with a real person who wants to hear your story today. All consultations are free, with no obligation, and completely confidential.
Contact Our Experienced Medical Malpractice Lawyers Today.
If your child had a brachial plexus injury, he may need medical treatment, rehab, and therapies well into the future to make sure he can physically function at the highest level possible – make sure he has the money to provide everything he needs to deal with an injury like this. Give us a call today at 202-393-3320 – we make it easy to get started.