Why Is My Workers’ Compensation Check Always Late?

There are many reasons insurance adjusters don’t send out workers’ compensation benefits checks on time like they’re supposed to. The adjuster just forgot, the supervisor has to authorize it, the computer made a mistake, they put your address wrong in the system, or the automatic system failed; there are a lot of excuses they will give you.
Our Experienced Staff Makes Sure Your Adjuster Sends Your Check on Time
Remember, the adjuster works for the insurance company – and her job is to reduce the amount of medical treatment and benefits the insurance company has to pay you. Even an adjuster who is friendly, organized, and hasn’t given you any trouble at all may also have three hundred cases on her desk, so she isn’t going to give you any special attention when she gets busy.
How can you make sure your workers’ compensation check is on time? You need persistent, targeted, professional follow-up. And that’s hard to do by yourself; most people don’t have the training, experience, or time to navigate the DC workers’ compensation system and deal with an insurance company. That’s one of the first benefits we provide for our clients.
Late Workers’ Comp Checks in D.C. Are a Big Problem. Our Aggressive Workers’ Comp Lawyers Can Fix It.
Do you have the time, resources, and ability to make sure your checks come on time? We do.
Can you convince the adjuster, nurse case manager, and your doctor all to do the right thing so your check isn’t held up and comes on time, regularly so you can pay your bills, feed your family and do what is important for you? We can.
We Have a System in Place to Follow Up for Our Clients and Take Action When Your Check Is Late
It’s Important to Keep Your Benefits Checks Coming on Time
Late workers’ comp checks don’t mean you can be late on your bills. Your creditors don’t care if your workers’ comp check is late and now you can’t pay your mortgage, rent, car, utilities, and other bills.
Remember, in D.C., the insurance company can stop your workers’ compensation benefits for just about any reason, or no reason at all. They can send you to one of their doctors for an appointment with an insurance doctor, (insurance companies call this an “IME”) and that doctor may say any number or things. He may say you can go back to work, or that your injury or condition is not related to your work injury, that your injury was caused by some other factors, or that it has resolved or gotten better (or worse; it should have gotten better by now so you must be faking).
Or maybe your doctor has not yet responded to their requests for more info on your medical condition or hasn’t given you an out-of-work or disability slip indicating you cannot yet return to work. Maybe they have talked to your employer and are questioning the workers’ comp claim. Maybe you need a hearing to get your checks flowing again.
If your check is late, so you can’t pay the bills, or you’re not sure you are being paid the right amount (a lot of people aren’t paid the correct amount and they don’t know it – the insurance adjuster won’t tell you that, it’s not her job…), or your medical treatment is delayed and you aren’t getting better, you don’t have to put up with it any longer.
Your Benefits Checks Should Be Coming At The Same Time On a Regular Basis
Are you worried every time your worker’s comp benefits check is supposed to be there? Most people should be. Even with a serious, legitimate job injury, the worker’s comp system is an uphill battle – and you’re standing at the bottom of the hill.
Many workers have problems getting their compensation checks delivered consistently – they are often one, two, three days, or even a week late. And you’ve probably heard every excuse in the book – the adjuster was on vacation or out sick or at a funeral and no one else was there to handle her cases, the mail is slow, the address is not quite right, the checks are mailed from somewhere else, the manager has to release the check, the system randomly stopped issuing your check…
What Can You Do to Get Your Workers’ Compensation Checks on Time?
Hire an experienced workers’ compensation lawyer. We have full-time staff that calls, email, and fax adjusters and their supervisors (and the insurance company lawyers if they’re involved – remember they are always at least “behind the scenes” giving advice to adjusters on the most effective ways to limit your worker’s comp benefits and medical treatment – even if you don’t know who they are yet, they’re out there working against you) every time a check is late.
Our staff does this in a professional, courteous, but no-nonsense way, and it gets results. It’s time-consuming and difficult – you have to be persistent but calm to get results. But it’s difficult when it’s your case and your money that is constantly late – how calm can you really be?
And we litigate. We’re aggressive and adjusters and insurance company lawyers know this. If we don’t get the problem fixed, we have a judge fix it, until they do the right thing. But you really can’t credibly threaten to litigate the case unless you’ve done it many, many times and have a reputation for going to court.
That’s why it’s difficult to run your case without an experienced lawyer these days. The worker’s comp system isn’t fair – it’s complicated, time-consuming, and risky – one mistake could cost you thousands.
Many of our folks came initially because they recognized or learned that the insurance company wouldn’t help them or protect their families and their health.
Contact Our Aggressive D.C. Workers’ Comp Lawyers to Get the Help You Need Today!
Read one of our books or guides or call us at (202) 393 – 3320 to see if we can help. If we can’t, we guarantee we’ll tell you that and chances are, we may know someone who can help. And there’s no charge for that initial consultation or phone call. We’ll review all your paperwork, everything you have, for free too.