5 Mistakes That Will Absolutely Kill Your DC Workers Comp Case

Have You Been Seriously Injured at Work, and the Adjuster is Asking for All Your Medical Records and Sending You To Her Doctor?
There are many tricks that the insurance company uses to deny your claim from the very beginning. Here are the 5 killer mistakes workers’ compensation insurance companies want you to make after you get hurt on the job, and what you need to do to avoid these traps.
Remember, the insurance adjuster has handled hundreds, even thousands of workers comp cases. She gets paid to deny, delay and limit the number of monetary benefits and medical treatment for everyone hurt at work – you know your injury is legitimate. But to them, you’re just a number.
You have only one case. You and your family depend on it. That’s a lot of responsibility. So get all of the information you need to make an informed decision to protect yourself and your family.
Read This Free Report Before You Sign Anything from the Insurance Company.
If you have a serious back/lumbar problem, a rotator cuff tear, torn knee cartilage, serious concussion, or any other serious injury that happened at work, contact our worker’s comp lawyers today to see if we can help you.
Whatever you do, don’t sign any forms from an insurance company or lawyer until you read this free report. It’s very important for you to get the information you need about the insurance company and the worker’s compensation process to even the playing field between you and the insurance company. They are trained in limiting benefits – you should at least know what to look out for.
If You Have Been Seriously Injured at Work, Contact Our Experienced Workers Comp Lawyers Today at 202-393-3320.
If you’ve received a Notice of Controversion from Hartford or Travelers, or any other large insurance provider, or had your claim denied or delayed, don’t delay seeing our help.