7 Symptoms of Medical Malpractice | How You Can Recognize, Stop and Avoid Medical Mistakes

You Can Control Your Exposure to Medical Malpractice by Watching for the Signs
You see, medical malpractice is the result of a choice. Like everyone else in life, doctors, specialists, nurses, HMOs, hospitals, and healthcare companies all have choices. And medical malpractice means that a healthcare provider made a choice not to put patient safety first. It could be a choice based on cost, convenience, staffing, being in a rush, or any other excuse – it doesn’t matter why it’s a choice that needlessly put a patient’s health in danger.
So how do you recognize, stop and avoid preventable medical errors?
The truth is, most of the time, you don’t know right away. The effects – the patient’s injury or condition – could take time to be fully known, recognized, or related.
That is why we’ve published a report, based on our experience helping people as medical malpractice lawyers, of 7 common symptoms that can help you identify preventable medical errors before they harm you or your family.
A lot of our clients have told us that taking that first step toward realizing and investigating a medical malpractice case was the hardest simply because it’s difficult to believe that the doctors or hospital did not do all they could for them and their loved ones. Everyone wants to believe their doctors or hospital did the right thing. It’s human nature. But the fact is, doctors, hospitals, and HMOs don’t always follow the rules – and that can lead to serious consequences for patients.
Download This Free Book Written by Experienced Medical Malpractice Lawyers in DC
As a patient, you have the right to question everything – your doctors, nurses, medications, tests, follow-up, you name it. And if you suspect something, take action – get answers and get help.