Getting Everything Your Special Needs Child Deserves: A Free Resource Guide to Help Parents in DC, Maryland, & Virginia

Parents of Children with Special Needs Know Caring For Them Can Be a Full-Time Occupation
If you have a child with serious special needs you know that he or she requires constant care and attention. Disabilities like paralysis, cerebral palsy, shoulder dystocia, and other types of debilitating injuries could end up costing millions of dollars and countless hours in care. And you do it all without complaining because you love your child.
That’s why we created this 48-page book of resources in the DC, Maryland, and Virginia areas. This book offers information about respite care, social security programs, summer camps, and more! And it’s available to anyone who needs it – anyone who is a parent or guardian of a child with special needs. Or if you know someone who needs it, please let us know and we will send it to them directly.
Sometimes the conditions that result in severe disabilities are caused by medical malpractice. For example, cerebral palsy and other birth injuries are sometimes preventable and it’s the fault of the doctor or a failed system of a hospital that brought about premature labor or distressed labor. When that is the case, the families of the injured child have a right to get their case investigated to find out if they were a victim of medical malpractice. It’s only fair that the person or group/facility that caused the injury should be the ones to pay for it. When a serious disability was caused by medical malpractice and a child is the one to suffer, we make it our business to make the hospital, provider, or HMO pay to cover the lifelong treatment, specialists, medical equipment, respite care, and whatever else the child may need to help him or her live their best life.
If you need this guide to special resources, you may also want to request our signature medical malpractice book called “Picking up the Pieces After Medical Malpractice, A Parents Guide.” This book provides basic information on medical malpractice involving a child and how we investigate our medical malpractice claims. You can order this free book by clicking here. There is no cost or obligation to request any of our free materials, but we are more than happy to speak to anyone who is wondering whether or not they have a medical malpractice claim for their child.
Pre-Eclampsia, Distressed Delivery, and Prematurity Are Commons Causes of Disabilities in Children
If you are a mother and your delivery was difficult, you had pre-eclampsia, premature labor, or any other issue involving the delivery of your child you should contact us right away. You may be able to recover something to help raise a child with special needs or disabilities. Just give us a call today at 202-393-3320 and we will help you start right away.